The Alfred Police Benevolent Association (PBA) is comprised of Alfred police officers and is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization, which serves the Alfred community and the special interests of its members. Though the PBA members do belong to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and Council 82 Labor Union, the two are separate entities.
The PBA survives through monthly dues paid by the members and donations from the community. In recent years the money collected has been used for the officers' floral fund, starting an Explorers Post for area youths interested in learning about law enforcement, donations to area volunteer fire departments and purchasing exercise equipment to assist in the officers' wellness program. If you would like to assist the Alfred PBA in its efforts, donations may be sent to the address below. In return, the PBA will thank you by sending an "Alfred PBA Supporter" window sticker for your car or home (for a $10 donation or more, you will be sent two window stickers).
Alfred Police Benevolent Association
7 West University Street
Alfred NY 14802
The PBA survives through monthly dues paid by the members and donations from the community. In recent years the money collected has been used for the officers' floral fund, starting an Explorers Post for area youths interested in learning about law enforcement, donations to area volunteer fire departments and purchasing exercise equipment to assist in the officers' wellness program. If you would like to assist the Alfred PBA in its efforts, donations may be sent to the address below. In return, the PBA will thank you by sending an "Alfred PBA Supporter" window sticker for your car or home (for a $10 donation or more, you will be sent two window stickers).
Alfred Police Benevolent Association
7 West University Street
Alfred NY 14802